AI Agent Smart Routing
How to swap via AI Agent Smart Routing, a DackieSwap's signature feature.
Last updated
How to swap via AI Agent Smart Routing, a DackieSwap's signature feature.
Last updated
Step 1: Go to the DackieSwap page
Step 2: Connect your wallet
Step 3:
A: Select the token you want to trade away in the top dropdown menu. The system will automatically show your wallet balance for this token below the menu β double-check that you have enough for your planned trade.
B: Select the token you want to swap to in the bottom section, following the same procedure as mentioned above.
Step 4: You have two options: enter your desired swap amount in the upper input field or click the percentage buttons (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
On the right side of the screen, our AI Agent Smart Routing system analyzes multiple factors to recommend the best trading route for users:
Best price from aggregators (default)
Swap success rate and swap volume in the past 24 hours (built-in metrics by our AI Agent)
Step 5: Please review all the details and click the "Swap" button to proceed.
Step 6: Once you click the Swap button, a window displaying more details will appear. Please take a moment to verify that all the information is correct. When you are satisfied, proceed by clicking the Confirm Swap button.
Your wallet will prompt you to confirm the action before proceeding with the transaction.
Step 7: Congratulations, the transaction is now complete! Check chain explorer ( for more details.